Revocation results
A licence is revoked if the labour provider has failed to comply with the licensing standards.
Our revocations register lists the labour providers who have had their licences revoked. The businesses listed cannot legally supply labour in the GLAA sectors under the licence number shown.
Annual totals of revocations (financial year) for the last two years
Year |
Revocations with immediate effect |
Revocations without immediate effect |
Total |
2024-25 | 0 | 18 | 18 |
2023-24 | 0 | 5 | 5 |
2022-23 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Totals | 1 | 26 | 27 |
* Last reviewed 7 March 2025
Applying for a new licence
A labour provider can apply for a new licence if the outstanding issues have been resolved. You can search the public register to check whether a new licence has been applied for or issued, or you can ring our helpline on 0845 602 5020.
It is a criminal offence to supply workers to the regulated sectors without a licence. It is also an offence to use an unlicensed labour provider.
Find out more...
Revocations: The revocations process explained
Criminal offences and sanctions:Information on the offences and penalties for labour providers and users
Inspections and investigations: Information on the different types of inspection, how the findings are reviewed and action that is taken
Active checks service: Detailed information on how to register and check your labour provider is licensed