GLAA Brief and Licensing News - Guidance for supplying workers
We issue guidance for labour providers in the form of the GLAA Brief (formerly Licensing News) newsletter.
These are produced to help you comply with the licensing standards and are listed below.
Please note, some GLAA Briefs are not listed as the content is out of date or they have been replaced by later versions.
Publications prior to May 2017 will refer to our previous name, the Gangmasters Licensing Authority.
For Briefs 2021 onwards please follow the link below
Click here for GLAA Briefs 2021 onwards
This Brief publishes the latest guidance on indicative minimum charge rates between labour providers and labour users, effective from 1 April 2021. This Brief supersedes GLAA Briefs 61 59 55 52 37 40 43 30
This Brief publishes the latest guidance on workers travelling to the UK and self-isolation due to coronavirus.
GLAA Brief Issue 65 - GLAA licence renewals - this Brief supersedes Brief 11 (pdf)The guidance sets out the changes we have made to the licence renewal process and explains the new process to renew a GLAA licence.
GLAA Brief Issue 64 - Suspension of Temporary Licensing (pdf)This Brief publishes the GLAA’s latest guidance on the Suspension of the Temporary Licensing Scheme.
GLAA Brief Issue 63 - Employment law changes (pdf)This Brief provides guidance on employment law changes which are effective from 6 April 2020.
FAQs regarding Brief 62 Temporary licensing (pdf)Frequently asked questions about the Temporary licensing scheme announced in Brief 62
GLAA Brief Issue 62 - Temporary licensing and COVID 19 (pdf)Guidance on the temporary licensing scheme introduced as a result of COVID 19. May 20202: Updated the reference to the Act and added in a sentence to say the application can only be signed by the PA and ABR.
GLAA Brief Issue 61 - Charge rate guidance This Brief supersedes GLAA Brief 59 55 52 37 40 43 30 (pdf)This Brief publishes the latest guidance on indicative minimum charge rates between labour providers and labour users, effective from 1 April 2020.
GLAA Brief Issue 60 - Labour user best practice (pdf)This Brief offers guidance on the best practice for labour users in the GLAA regulated sectors.
This Brief publishes the latest guidance on indicative minimum charge rates between labour providers and labour users, effective from 1 April 2019.
A new version of the Licensing Standards has been published and will be in force from 1 October 2018.
GLAA Brief Issue 57 - Victimisation of workers (pdf)Guidance on the steps that labour providers should take if approached by workers who have been sent by an unknown third party.
GLAA Brief Issue 56 - Shellfish (pdf)This Brief provides guidance on how the GLAA’s licensing scheme applies to those involved in the gathering of shellfish.
This brief explains a new approach where the requirement to hold a licence may be relaxed for third party packaging activities.
GLAA Brief Issue 53 - GLAA Powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 - This brief supersedes GLA Brief 51 (pdf)This Brief provides information on the new powers available to authorised GLAA officers from 1 May 2017 to support wider labour market enforcement
This brief provides an introduction to new sanctions – Labour Market Enforcement Undertakings (LMEUs) and Labour Market Enforcement Orders (LMEOs) – to support labour market compliance.
GLA Brief Issue 48 – Principal Authority Résumé (pdf)An introduction to the new Principal Authority Résumé which will commence from 18 April 2016.
GLA Brief Issue 46 - National Living wage (pdf)Guidance on the National Living Wage which will come into force from 1 April 2016 and how this legislation will apply to the GLA’s licensing standards.
This brief clarifies when a licence is required for cleaning activities, whether a business is supplying or using a worker to provide a service, the exclusions and where to find further guidance.
GLA Brief Issue 44 - Certificate in Professional Development: Investigating Modern Slavery (pdf)Information about the new GLA Academy's CPD-accredited qualification operated in association with the University of Derby.
GLA Brief Issue 41 - How licensing applies to businesses based outside the UK - This brief supersedes GLA Briefs 16 and 17 (pdf)How licensing affects overseas businesses and the labour providers and users who enter into agreements with them.
How the GLA Licensing Standards apply to travel and subsistence tax relief models.
GLA Brief Issue 38 - Job Finding Fees and Providing Additional Services (pdf)How the Licensing Standards apply to services provided to workers for which additional fees are charged.
GLA Brief Issue 36 - Guidance on who needs a licence - This guidance consolidates and replaces the following previously published guidance: GLA Brief 4, GLA Brief 10, GLA Brief 24, GLA Brief 25, GLA Brief 31, GLA Brief 32 (pdf)Updated information on the type of work covered by the licensing scheme and also excluded activities.
GLA Brief Issue 34 - Licence maintenance and notifying changes in details - This brief supersedes GLA Brief 13 (pdf)Guidance on what licence holders must do to maintain their licence, the changes that we should be notified of and when to tell us.
GLA Brief Issue 33 - Pre-paid debit cards (pdf)How the GLA standards apply to pre-paid debit cards, advising how critical licensing standards may be breached if they are used to pay workers' wages.
An explanation of the revised approach to application inspections for new applicants.
GLA Brief Issue 27 - Active check notifications (pdf)This Brief has been replaced by Brief 69.
GLA Brief Issue 26 - The inspection process (pdf)Guidance on the application and compliance inspection process
How the Agency Worker Regulations apply to the GLA licensing standards
GLA Brief Issue 21 - Transporting workers and vehicle insurance (pdf)Guidance on the appropriate insurance for vehicles carrying workers.
GLA Brief Issue 18 - How the GLA tests employment status - Now replaced by Brief 71 (pdf)This brief has been replaced by Brief 71. Guidance on checks to employment status to make sure licence holders meet the licensing standards.
The new renewal process explained.
Guidance on the Government's forced labour offences.
GLA Brief Issue 6 - How licensing applies to businesses with common governance and connected groups of companies (pdf)How licensing applies to connected businesses.
The updated and current GLA Licensing Standards, which came into force on 6 April 2009. This document highlights the changes from the previous version.
Clarification on the licensing standards that relate to licences and insurance required for transporting vehicles, identifying GLA inspectors and holiday pay
Licensing News Issue 7 - Providing accommodation, transport and PPE (pdf)Advice for labour providers that provide workers with transport, accommodation and personal protective equipment (PPE).