GLAA activity in garment industry
Freedom of Information Act Request
Ref: FOI 20-21 23
Date issued: 28 January 2021
Subject: GLAA activity in garment industry
I am writing to ask you for information regarding GLAA investigations and enforcement activities at garment manufacturers in Leicester. I would also like to know if you have brought any cases or issued any penalties against textile firms in Leicester, as well as the outcomes of such actions.
Please could you give me the data for the above on a year-by-year basis from 2015 to 2020? I’d appreciate the data in Excel spreadsheet form.
Between in 2015 and 2016 the GLAA did not have any powers to operate in the garment sector.
Since 2017 The GLAA has powers to investigate Labour market offences which are offences under the following legislation: Employment Agencies Act 1973, the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, the Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 and Parts 1 and 2 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Since HMRC NMW and Employment Agencies Standards Inspectorate are partners of the GLAA it is normal for offending under their legislation to be dealt with by that respective agency unless there is a combination of offences. In that case the GLAA may lead an investigation but supported by colleagues in those enforcement bodies. Where there is any allegation of modern slavery offences of forced and compulsory labour the GLAA has the power to investigate those cases.
The GLAA cannot issue penalties against textile firms, which may only be applied as part of sanctions imposed by a court following a successful prosecution. However, it does have the authority to use an alternative sanction to prosecution, of a Labour Market Enforcement Undertaking (LMEU), or Order (LMEO) in appropriate cases. These cannot be used if the offences identified relate to forced labour. The GLAA have a number of active investigations. We cannot speculate on what the outcome may be. Nor can we provide details of the investigation. Any information relating to ongoing criminal investigations is exempt from release under s30 FOI.
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