GLA Fifth Liaison Group Meetings (2010)
Freedom of Information Act Request |
Ref: FOI 22-23 14 |
Date issued: 30 September 2022 |
Subject: GLA Fifth Liaison Group Meetings (2010) |
Under your Duty to Assist (s16), would you please advise me of the GLA(A) page and links to the deleted items referred to as the Fifth meetings, that the GLAA has placed in the National Archives website in May 2022. Would you please provide me with all information in relation to the GLA REC Contract for Service Model referred to in the Fourth meetings. Please provide me with all information as to what its content may include, what it looks like, any additional stakeholder involvement including the Low Pay Commission, union human resource and equality and diversity direction involvement, and what sectors it may be used in.
Response: 1) The GLAA cannot advise on the content of the National Archive website as we do not own the information on this website. The GLAA also does not place information on the National Archives website as suggested in your question, rather the National Archives captures ‘snapshots’ of all UK central government websites. It is not in the GLAA’s control when a copy of the website is taken.
2) As stated in our response to your previous FOI request (FOI 22-23 09), information held relating to this liaison group meeting was deleted from our system in May 2022 in line with the GLAA Retention and Destruction policy. Furthermore, the Contract for Services model you reference was not GLA owned, but an initiative from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC). The Freedom of Information Act allows the public to request recorded information held by public authorities. Therefore, we do not hold the information you have requested.
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