March 2025
National Investigations manager Paul Williams provides an update about ensuring due diligence is carried out to make sure the labour provider you use has a GLAA licence.
Over the last few months our Enforcement teams have found that a number of labour users have been using unlicensed gangmasters to obtain workers for use in the regulated sector. These companies are now subject to a GLAA criminal investigation.
Of concern is that due diligence has not been undertaken by the labour users to check that the labour provider is licensed. I would encourage all labour users to use the Active Check service on the GLAA website to ensure that the labour provider has a GLAA licence if supplying workers to the GLAA regulated sectors. It is a criminal offence under Section 13 of the Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004 to obtain workers from a labour provider not holding a GLAA licence.
Please ensure that you are aware of which activities require a GLAA licence and what the exemptions and exclusions are. This will ensure that a Section 13 breach does not happen.
If you are aware of anyone who has been using an unlicensed gangmaster then contact us on Our enforcement teams will deal with the matter in a proportionate and confidential manner.
Licence renewals
Licence holders are reminded that at renewal they are expected to declare their turnover in the GLAA regulated sectors only and not the full turnover of their business. We would encourage licence holders to ensure that this figure is accurate as we have identified a small number of businesses who are under-declaring their turnover in the GLAA regulated sector, subsequently this has resulted in them paying an incorrect and lower licence fee to the GLAA. We will be checking whether businesses are accurately declaring this and taking action to recoup under-paid fees. If a business fails to engage with us during this process then we may revoke their licence as a fit and proper failure.
Mini umbrella companies
The GLAA would like to encourage licence holders to familiarise themselves with Brief 86 - Mini umbrella companies. The GLAA and HMRC are aware of GLAA licensed companies that are engaging workers via mini umbrella companies (MUCs). These companies can be used to carry out fraud, stealing money from our vital public services and creating an uneven playing field for honest businesses who play by the rules. The consequence of using MUCs could be that a business contravenes the requirements and standards of HMRC. This may mean a potential breach of GLAA licensing standards which could ultimately end in your GLAA licence being revoked.
Minimum wage rates for 2025
Remember that the National Minimum Wages rates, including the National Living Wage rates change in April. The new rates can be found on GOV.UK.
Reminder: Are you applying for a GLAA Licence?
Join our next online seminar for stakeholders and partners
Once a quarter, we invite stakeholders from various backgrounds to come and listen to what the GLAA is seeing within both the labour market and in the regulatory framework and understand how together we can make changes and improvements to stop worker exploitation.
We welcome colleagues and partners from both GLAA regulated and non-regulated sectors. We also welcome those from connected trade associations, unions, NGOs, retailers and law enforcement.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 15 April 2025 at 11.00am when along with GLAA updates we will also hear from Corinne Peart who will be talking about the Better Hiring toolkit and providing best practice guidance.
To be added to the Stakeholder meeting mailing list or to suggest topics for future meetings, simply email us at Invitations to this meeting will be sent out in due course.
GLAA reminds Seasonal Worker Scheme workers to understand their rights
In January the GLAA shared a number of videos and posts on social media explaining the process of applying for the seasonal worker scheme, what to expect when you arrive in the UK and meet your sponsor, the working conditions and the expectation whilst working.
Read more in our latest news section.
Contact us
You can report your concerns to the GLAA by email at or by using the online reporting form.
Alternatively, call the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline on 0800 0121 700 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Thank you for taking the time to read our bulletin. If you would like to contribute content about your work in preventing/identifying labour abuse, you can email