Joint webinar to explore concept of ‘decent work’
24th May 2023
The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA), HM Revenue and Customs’ National Minimum Wage team and the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS) will hold a joint webinar next month outlining what decent work is and why employers benefit from supporting their workers.
The webinar takes place on Tuesday June 6 from 10am and is expected to last around 90 minutes.
You can sign up to the event here.
GLAA Head of Prevention and Partnerships Frank Hanson said: “Decent work helps employers and employees to succeed through improved employment standards that help develop good jobs and deliver opportunities for people to progress. It covers areas such as recruitment, pay, working conditions, health and wellbeing and workforce engagement.
“Benefits can be far reaching and can include increased staff retention, a more diverse and inclusive workforce, and inspiring and motivating staff to make sure you are a successful and high performing organisation.
“The webinar will demonstrate to businesses that adopting and implementing the very best employment standards also protects workers from forced or compulsory labour.”